Friday, February 3, 2023

Java thread synchronization

Do you know what is thread synchronization Java? Have you ever thought about how to use synchronized in Java? let us gain some knowledge about thread synchronization Java & try to find out the answer to what is thread synchronization in Java.

But before we start writing about thread synchronization Java & try to find out how to use synchronized in Java. Let us first try to understand the policy of synchronization from one daily life example.

Assume one daily life scenario.

Suppose in your school, there is one toilet for the gents. Now, at the same time, you & your friend need to access the toilet. In both cases, the matter is an urgent one. So, you are not ready to let him go. Neither of your friends is ready to let you go. As a result, there is a mess in front of the toilet.

So, what you will do in such a case? Or what your friend will do at that time?

So, you called the teacher to solve the situation that arise there. Your teacher will draw a solution & allow anyone to go to the toilet first. And as a teacher is a respected person both of you are ready with the solution. In this case, the teacher helps to solve the conflict.

The same thing happens in thread synchronization Java. When two different parts of the program try to access the same resources then this trouble arises. We will try to know more about it when we discuss what is thread synchronization in Java.

What Is Thread Synchronization in Java:

Java is an important programming language. Java is used in the corporate world as it helps to solve real-life problems very easily. Java is used for game development purposes. These along with an operation some more processes are going on. For implementing that situation, Java programming language used the thread concept. Thread is a special concept of the Java programming language. It helps to execute more operations a t same time.

Synchronization means collaborating two or more processes at the same time. The thread synchronization Java is quite like this. Now, sometimes when two or more processes are using the same resource then there will be a problem. This problem arises when we use thread in Java. Two or more parts of the code want to use the same resources. Then there is a mess at that point.

The main goal of thread synchronization in Java is to remove the problems related to resources. If two or more parts want to use the same resource, then one by one they will execute that. This means one part will use that resource, then it will be removed. After that, another part is going to use the resource & will be removed. This is a very problematic situation. To come out of this situation, we used the 'synchronized' keyword.

Synchronize is like the teacher at your school. It helps to remove the conflicts between two or more parts for using the same recourses. We will find out more about this when we implement the thread synchronized Java. Similarly, when you are stuck at Java coding you can use Java Assignment Help Services from codingzap.

Why Should We Use Thread Synchronization Java:

Now, after knowing about thread synchronization Java, we need to know why we should use it. This is a very important topic. Often, we find out that, the threads that are implemented in the program are not executing the same we want. In those cases, we need to use this method. As there is a problem related to the synchronization.

If we don't use synchronization, then there will be an issue related to the memory space. Also, the flow of the output of the program will not be similar as desired. There will be a thread interface problem if we don't use synchronization at the correct time. When we implement thread synchronization Java, it will be easy to understand.

How To Use Synchronized in Java:

Now, it is time to implement Thread Synchronization Java. Here, first, we need to declare one function that is synchronized. This means, there will be no issue with the synchronization. We have written a for loop there. This will be executed by the threads. Now, we have declared two threads. Using the concept of the thread, we are accessing the synchronized function. In one thread, we are trying to provide the value of 2. And in another thread, we are trying to provide the value of 10.

Now, in the main driver function, we will create an object of the synchronized class. Now using that object, we are trying to make a new object of the thread class. Hence, we have implemented two objects for the threads. Now using the start() function of the thread, we will execute that.


Let us try to find out the output of the above code. This will help to understand thread synchronization Java.



As we saw, thread synchronization Java is a very important topic.

We need to remember what thread synchronization in Java is. Also, we need to understand how to use synchronized in Java.

It is advisable to clear the basis of the Java Programming Language. Also, we need to clear the multithreading in Java programming language. Then the topic is understandable.